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Showing posts from 2012

Big Toilet is Watching You

" Toto, short for Tōyō Tōki (Oriental Ceramics), is a Japanese toilet manufacturer that designed the Intelligence Toilet II. This toilet analyzes our excreta and records data like weight, BMI, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. It even has a sample catcher in the bowl to obtain urine samples, which for instance can used to predict pregnancies. This information is then sent to your PC, showing your vital health stats." It would be a simple effort to share this information with your doctor and even with your health insurer. Imagine this, " You just went to the toilet and that triggered an automatic email informing you that your health insurance went up." The future is here; resistance is futile. And, maybe, just maybe, there are monsters in the toilets after all. News link

Good (Protocol) Design Lasts Forever

Want to learn the technology that's in the center of the Web 2.0 storm?  It's a simple thing like REST that created the synergy that allows different web services to have the multiplication effect.   Still trying to decode above diagram? No need, that's way too complicated, to learn REST, just go back to the original design of HTTP , and stick to it. In case you also need a language to code http easily,  here is a javascript http hello world . A powerful design, like HTTP, last forever. And the beautify is, it's as simple as you could get/understand.

Most "Productive" Cities In The World?

Based on a just released Brooking Institution report and this CNBC report . To be exact, they are comparing per-capita GDP and changes in employment data from 2010 to 2011 among the 200 largest metropolitan areas of the world. Please download the full report here (5MB) , it's very good. These are the metro areas that surprised me in a nice way: Hartford and Buffalo. Both cities are a little bit run-down. But I guess the surrounding wealthy towns more than make up for it. Didn't know Chinese political powerhouse Beijing is almost at the bottom (187/200) still. Indian outsourcing capital of the world Mumbai is second to the bottom, and Cairo, knowing it's poor, is at the very bottom? 

Uncle Sam wants you to rent out its foreclosed homes

Fannie Mae will offer up nearly 2,500 distressed properties in eight locations to investors who are willing to buy them in bulk and rent them out for a set number of years. Does Uncle Sam favor the rich? Why not just release the distressed properties into the open market, and let the little investors like you and me to "share the prosperity"? This reminds me of President Obama's big tax break for big companies but actually raising tax for small business owners (so-called the rich who makes $200K a year) Talking about Crony Capitalism!

Get a ticket for ... Speed Trading?

"WASHINGTON—The Securities and Exchange Commission is looking to curb high-frequency traders' huge influence on stock trading and is considering charging fees for the myriad buy and sell orders that are later canceled, among other options." from WSJ Seriously? What's Next? You cannot put on a pretty dresses, as they might give you an unfair advantage in the "dating game"? How about you are not allowed to read extra books, do extra exercise, as they might give you an edge on test-taking, and sport events? What's wrong with paying extra money or effort, or starting earlier than your peers, to gain an edge? Enough already!