In the unlikely event that you're not familiar with my gas station, you can find my previous essays at . Recently, I've conducted a small survey among my truck drivers. I asked them just one question: "What do you think of application servers?" The most popular answer was, "I don't need no stinkin' application server." And truck drivers usually know what they're talking about! You may think that now I'll start selling one of the popular application frameworks. Wrong! The idea of these frameworks was nice: get back from complex containers to programming POJOs. But while trying to provide alternatives to container services, each of these frameworks ran into the short-blanket syndrome: something is always sticking out. XML is sticking out big time! To simplify Java programming, developers are paying the high price of adding unmanageable amounts of XML descriptors, mappings, wiring...
Personal comments on software technologies, design, management, politics, and other stuff.